We are dedicated to providing quality recreation services and programs to the children of Conway. Our goal is to provide every boy and girl on every Conway Recreation sports team a high quality uniform to wear. Each time a child joins a team, puts on a uniform and plays in a game, they experience a sense of accomplishment and pride, learn teamwork, sportsmanship and the importance of keeping active.
Youth Sports programs are offered year-round, and provide safe, supervised opportunities for children to participate in recreational league play. Last year, over 4000 children participated in City of Conway leagues.
Become a Sponsor
The Team Sponsorship Program will help us meet the Youth Sports needs of today’s children by providing uniforms for an entire time.
Download and complete the Team Sponsorship Program Registration Form [PDF] and email your completed form to asmith@cityofconway.com
Your Sponsorship will
Help provide an opportunity for more children to participate in Youth Sports
Help keep the cost of Youth Sports programs low
Help keep children happy, healthy and active
Help keep children engaged in a safe, supervised activity
Have the opportunity for your business name and/or logo imprint on team uniforms
Sponsorship Costs
$300 per team
Contributions can be dedicated to a specific sport or park